
Google Music Beta

A couple of weeks ago I recived my invite to Google Music Beta. Then sat on it until today when I decided, let the uploading commence! Now the big wait as my 12k+ library is uploaded, which is approx. 90GB in size. With my upstream rate of 4Mbps it should take about a week..................or two to fully upload all of my music. Hopefully my ISP doesn't shut me down in the process. Stay tuned for a review.

If you want to know a little more while my music is uploading go here.


What Is Dudeism?

As many of you may not know, I am a Ordained Dudeist Priest. No not the kind you are thinking of, you sick creeper, I mean the kind where we "take it easy" and "abide". Let me tell share with you a little more about it.

"While Dudeism in its official form has been organized as a religion only recently, it has existed down through the ages in one form or another. Probably the earliest form of Dudeism was the original form of Chinese Taoism, before it went all weird with magic tricks and body fluids. The originator of Taoism, Lao Tzu, basically said "smoke ‘em if you got ‘em" and "mellow out, man" although he said this in ancient Chinese so something may have been lost in the translation."   ~ [via dudeism.com]

Still with me, good... want more... awesome. Read more here, it will tie it all togeather.

The Final Storm abides.......